Gymshark 66 | Your Journey

Gymshark 66 | Your Journey

clock-circular-outlinePosted 1 Mar 2019

On Saturday the 23rd of February, we hosted a little Gymshark 66 event.While we were there, we decided to pester a few of you with some of our questions about your Gymshark 66 journey.Here is what you had to say...

“Positive mental attitude. The not giving up and knowing one bad thing doesn’t really effect you at all.”

“Mind over matter. That’s actually been my favourite saying throughout. I believed right up until I started this that I couldn’t do it. I was heavy, I was almost 20 stone. And I’ve proven to myself that it really is mind over matter.”

“I’ve learnt so much about myself doing this.”

“Knowing that I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it.”

“I wouldn’t change a single thing - even the bad days - you learn from them!”

“At the start of Gymshark 66 I was quite selfish, it was very much about me. I’ve very quickly learnt that I’ve done better since I’ve realised that it’s actually about helping everyone else.”

“At the start of Gymshark 66 I was quite selfish, it was very much about me. I’ve very quickly learnt that I’ve done better since I’ve realised that it’s actually about helping everyone else.”

“I started Gymshark 66 thinking this is something for me, but I don’t think I realised the support you can get from other people, especially on Social Media. The amount of people that have followed me or messaged me with words of encouragement - even just for a goal as simple as getting up an hour earlier - the amount of support is so overwhelming.”

“I travel quite a bit with work, so trying to fit in a workout around that is difficult. I’ve worked out in the airport - I have been crazy enough to do that!”

“Keep trying even if you feel too tired. Three words - don’t give up.”

“I don’t see it as a Gymshark 66 thing anymore, I just see it as a new habit.”

We cannot thank you enough for your incredible dedication and passion, and we hope you have formed a habit that you will continue throughout the year, or simply, the rest of your life.

Let us know in the comments below all about your Gymshark 66 journey! 

Liam RobertsBy Liam Roberts

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